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26 July 2024

Agrarian news


Ministry Cabinet of Ukraine confirmed the list of objects of state price regulation in 2010-2011

The Ministry Cabinet of Ukraine confirmed the list of objects of state price regulation in 2010-2011, according to the decree of the government dd. January 20, 2010, #40.



Canada Wheat Board Loses Bid for Spending Ban Hearing

The Canadian Wheat Board, which sells wheat and barley from western Canada, lost a bid for a hearing before the country’s highest court over a government ban on the promotion of its monopoly.



Sunoil export was record high in December 09

Sunoil export was record high in December 09 and made 269 KMT, that is 49% more than in November 09, and by 34% more than in December 08 (201 KMT). Within 6 months of 2009/10 season Ukraine exported 824 KMT of sunoil (about 40% of intended export volumes).



Rapeseed export decreased down to 177 KMT compared to 368 KMT in November 09

As UkrAgroConsult forecasted, rapeseed export decreased down to 177 KMT compared to 368 KMT in November 09.



Ukrainian retail to grow by 6% in 2010

The volume of the Ukrainian retail trade in 2010 will increase by 6% compared to 2009 which will be mainly attributed to increasing consumer lending, according to the Ukrainian analysts forecasts.



19 regions Dec buckwheat prices up 0.4-5.7%, to UAH4,72-5,36 per kg

Dec 2009 buckwheat prices have climbed to UAH4,72–5,36 per kg (up 0.4–5.7% against Nov 2009) on 19 regions markets and simultaneously lowered to UAH4,81–5,04 per kg (down 0.2–0.6% against Nov 2009) on 2 regions markets, reported Ministry of Economics representative.



23 regions Dec vegetable oil prices up 1-19.2%, to UAH7,95-10,54 per liter

Dec 2009 vegetable oil prices have mounted to UAH7,95–10,54 per liter, up 1–19.2% against Nov 2009 on 23 regions markets and simultaneously dipped to UAH10,64 per liter, down 0.7% as of Nov 2009 on c. Kyiv markets, reported Ministry of Economics representative.



EU will allow high-quality Australian beef to be imported duty free by Easter.

The move comes only months after Australia announced it would lift a ban on beef from nations previously afflicted with mad cow disease, such as those in the EU.



Wheat Falls to Two-Month Low on U.S. Export Slide, Dollar Gain

Wheat futures fell for a fourth day and to a two-month low after the weekly quantity of U.S. grain inspected for export fell to the lowest since June and as a stronger dollar made U.S. supplies less attractive.



Konti grows sales by 30%

Ukrainian confectioner IA Konti has recorded sales growth of 30% for 2009.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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