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01 September 2024



Ukraine's brewer Obolon to start exports to Africa

Obolon, one of Ukraine's largest beer producers, is planning to start a massive expansion of the African continent in cooperation with "House of Africa" non-governmental organization in the coming years. 
According to official sources in the Ukrainian Company, foreign economic activity is one of the main priorities for Obolon’s further development. In 2008 the company supplied more than 26.4 million dal of beer abroad, while the company's share in total Ukrainian beer exports has exceeded 75%.
Currently Obolon supplies its beer in more than 30 countries around the world, incliding Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Germany, UK, USA, France, Vietnam, Israel, Canada. In addition to beer, the company’s portfolio includes the range of branded soft drinks.
The press service also said that Obolon already had a successful experience of trial shipments of beer to Africa. Despite the fact that the consumption of beer in the continent is traditionally low, Obolon sees a great potential for increasing its Africa’s presence.

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