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09 September 2024


Ukraine. Extended the discounts for limit lumpsum rates for handling transit cargoes in Ukraine’s seaports till December 31, 2010

The Transport and Communication Ministry of Ukraine extended the discounts for limit lumpsum rates for handling transit cargoes in Ukraine’s seaports till December 31, 2010. The Ministry’s order #128 of March 10 made correspondingly amended the order #958 of October 15.



Сonference "Livestock and meat processing in Ukraine - 2010"

Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" ( and AgriEvent agency ( organize on May 27, 2010 the conference "Livestock and meat processing in Ukraine - 2010".



Ukrainian agrarians provided additional fertilizing of 100% of winter grains

Ukrainian agrarians provided additional fertilizing of 100% of winter grains sowings, declared Ivan Demchak, the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Land Relations, on March 31. According to him, agrarians provided the works in rather short terms and showed good results.



Ukraine: agrarians stock 81% of required mineral fertilizers

To date, agrarians of Ukraine stock 81% of required volumes of mineral fertilizers, declared Nikholay Prisyashnuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.



Outlook grim for barley price despite sowings fall

There is little hope for a revival in barley prices, grain handler AWB has said, even after America forecast that its plantings would fall to a record low this year, fuelling expectations of a fall in world production.



USDA reports spring wheat, corn, soybean plantings up

U.S. farmers intend to plant 53.8 million acres of wheat for harvest in 2010, down 9% from 2009, including 37.7 million acres of winter wheat, down 13%, 2.223 million acres of durum, down 13%, and 13.906 million acres of spring wheat other than durum, up 5%, the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said in its annual Prospective Plantings report. Intended area for corn was 88.8 million acres, up 3% from both 2009 and 2008, and for soybeans was 78.1 million acres, up 1% from 2009 and the largest on record if realized. The USDA other spring wheat number was above analysts pre-report trade expectations that averaged 13.56 million acres, but the USDA durum number was below the average of 2.5 million acres.



Russia to increase grain export volumes

Russia is the stable exporter of grains and does not plan to lower rates in the business sphere, declared Viktor Khristenko, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.



Cargill remains committed to serve customers in Australia and New Zealand and grow its local food ingredients business

Cargill announced today that it remains committed to serve its customers in Australia and New Zealand and to grow its local business after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) rejected the company’s planned acquisition of Goodman Fielder’s Commercial Edible Fats and Oils business.



Government about to raise quotas for raw sugar imports

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy currently develops new ways of eliminating sugar deficit in Ukraine, which is valued at 450,000 tons by the end of the marketing year (September 1).



Ukraine expects defense budget of 1.64 bln dollars in 2010

Ukraine's defense ministry said it has proposed a defense budget of 13 billion Hryvnias (about 1.64 billion U.S. dollars) for 2010, Defense Minister Mykhailo Yezhel said here on Tuesday.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
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  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
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