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30 July 2024



Russia to produce 97 mln tonnes of grains

In 2010, Russia will harvest nearly 97 mln tonnes of grains, declared Elena Skrynnik, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, on April 13.

As a reminder, the current forecast exceeds the previous forecast of the Ministry by 2 mln tonnes.

At the same time, in the current year, the country will concentrate on growing of forage crops, according to the Minister.

According to the Minister, in the current year, sowing areas of grains and leguminous plants will total 48 mln ha as opposed to 47.6 mln ha in the previous year. At the same time, winter crops sowings increased own areas by 1 mln ha and totaled 18 mln ha. In 2010, many regions plan to change own structure of sowing areas, in order to increase sowings of high-energy and high-protein crops: soybean sowings will occupy 1.09 mln ha (in 2009 – 0.87 mln ha), rapeseed – 0.86 mln ha (in 2009 – 0.68 mln ha). Maize grain sowings will occupy 1.7 mln ha as opposed to 1.4 mln ha in 2009.

As a reminder, in 2009, Russia also produced 97 mln tonnes of grains.

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