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04 September 2024


Russian grain producers disliked the export duties for grains

The National Union of Grain Producers of Russia opposed the further imposition of export duties for grains. As Pavel Skurikhin, President of the Union, Chairman of the board of directors of SAHO, declared, grain producers can not relate positively to the export duties. The measure can only support livestock breeders, who already have good conditions.



Yanukovych vows to declare temporary moratorium on sale of land to foreigners

Vinnytsia, June 15 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The first stage of land reform in Ukraine is aimed at establishing a fair price for the lease of land, rather than its sale, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has said.



Ukrainian farmers preparing to harvest

In the southern regions harvesting is to start of after June 20. As Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov said, this year the government will allocate UAH 1 billion for technical modernization of agricultural enterprises.



Ukraine decreased grain share in the general commodity exports to the level of 3.2%

During January-April of 2011, commodity exports from Ukraine totaled 20.9 bln USD, imports – 24.8 bln USD, which formed the growth of export indices by 44.4%, and imports – up 52.3% compared to the same period of 2010, respectively, ac



Kazakhstan: as of June 1, grain carry-over stocks totaled 4.85 mln tonnes

During January-May of 2011 agricultural production volumes in Kazakhstan increased by 1.6%, informed the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The gross production of commodities and services of the agricultural industry in Kazakhst



USDA upgrades its forecast for grain harvest in Ukraine by 1.1%

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has upgraded its forecast for the grain harvest in Ukraine in the 2011-2012 marketing season to 44 million tons, comparing to 43.5 million tons in the May forecast, the service said in a statement.



In the Crimea it is planned to collect this year 1,5-1,6 million tons of grain

According to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food ARC, given the state of early sowing of crops yield, the forecast is in the range 26-27 kg / ha, including cereals – 27 kg / ha, spring grain – up to 19 kg / ha.



Russia: sunflower production in the new season to be a record – forecast

In the season-2011/12 Russia will produce the record volume of 7.2 mln tonnes of sunflower seed in clean weight, an increase of 30% compared to 2010/11 MY indices (5.5 mln tonnes), forecasted Julia Kostenko, analyst of APK-Inform Agency, on June 9 during the conference "Market of soybeans and meals of the CIS and European countries".



Business Sense: Robbing the ‘Breadbasket’

Ukraine, one of the top grain exporters in the world and nicknamed the “Breadbasket of Europe,” is being robbed by its government.



Rosselkhoznadzor to inspect 32 Ukrainian meat and milk producers, may allow exports to Customs Union

The inspectorate of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor, Russia) from June 6 will inspect 32 Ukrainian meat and dairy companies and may permit the export of their products to the Customs Union, Chairman of the State Veterinary and Biosecurity Service of Ukraine Ivan Bisiuk told reporters on Monday.

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