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03 September 2024

Agrarian news


Ukraine's GDP in 2009 down by 15%

According to the report of the finance ministry on execution of 2009 national budget, the growth of real GDP in 2009 was planned at the level of 0.4%, and actually there was a fall by 15%.



Ukraine. The condition of winter rapeseed worsened in March.

Planted area under rapeseed in good conditions decreased to 33.4% from 38% last month. On the other hand the share of weak and thinned winter rapeseed increased from 20.3% to 25.5% as of March 18.



Ukraine. With investment, agriculture group sees best years ahead

While much of Ukraine’s economy has been severely punished by recession, many agriculture firms in the “breadbasket of Europe” prospered last year. Their future will be even brighter if investment pours in, as expected. To learn more about the sector’s prospects, the Kyiv Post turned to Anna Dudchenko, deputy chief executive officer of Sintal Agriculture, one of the nation’s larger agricultural groups.



Agricultural production on rise in Ukraine

The growth of agricultural production in January-February 2010, which amounted to 5.2% compared with the like period in 2009, is one of the highest rates for 2001-2010, said former Minister of Economy Bohdan Danylyshyn.



Turnover of port of Odessa (Ukraine) to decrease by 2.6% - to 4.49 million tons in Jan-Feb 2010

Cargo turnover in the port of Odessa demonstrated 2.6% year-over-year decrease for January-February 2010 - up to 4.49 million tons. As tviknaodessa reports, this year in January - February volumes of handled cargo significantly reduced, in particular it concerns grain cargoes in bulk - by 32.2% (to 589.2 thousand tons), ferrous metals - by 21.9% (to 832.5 tons). However, figures of processed containers significantly increased - by 49.6% (to 552.5 thousand tons), of bulk ore - by 33.6% (to 264.3 thousand tons).



Standard & Poors Upgrades Ukraine Rating

Standard & Poors has upgraded Ukraine s national scale debt rating from UaBBB to UaA. This followed the upgrade of Ukraine s sovereign ratings in foreign currency (from CCC+/C to B-/C), as well as in the national currency (from B-/C to B/B).



Europe, UK & Ireland Leadership Announcement

Kraft Foods has today announced that Trevor Bond, current President of Cadbury Britain & Ireland, is promoted to lead Kraft Foods’ country businesses in Europe. Trevor, 48, is a 23-year veteran of Cadbury, having started in Bournville and progressed through a variety of positions in the UK, the Americas and Asia.



Common Agriculture Policy after 2013: free market will not save European agriculture

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), as the first EU institution, rose to the challenge of providing a comprehensive vision for the future of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), in advance of the European Commission’s papers on the matter, due to be issued later this year and in 2011. The EESC’s opinion on this divisive and highly controversial issue was adopted with near-unanimity, a move that EESC Vice-President Seppo Kallio called «historical».



Kazakhstan to export 5 mln tonnes of grains till the end of year

Till the end of the agricultural year, Kazakhstan will export 5 mln tonnes of grains, declared Marat Orazaev, the Vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Ukraine to resow nearly 4% of winter crops sowings areas

As of March 18 of the current year, Ukraine will resow nearly 0.34 mln ha of agricultural crops areas, which totaled nearly 4% of winter grain sowing areas, informed the press-cutting service of Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

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  • DuPont Pioneer
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