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30 July 2024



Ukraine. Everybody time to sow barley. Today it’s still possible and tomorrow will be too late - UkrAgroConsult

Spring 2010 weather

On the whole the spring was not extremely late. The winter weather in 2009/10 was close to normal. Growers have got used to much earlier springs in the recent 10-15 years.

In Ukraine, March’s weather is marked by contrasts. Typical winter weather was seen in the first half of March. A sharp air temperature rise along with lack of precipitation was registered after March 18. 

In general, almost all the weather parameters for March (temperature, precipitation etc.) will be close to average annual values. According to Ukraine’s meteorologists, nearly the same weather (in terms of air temperature) was registered in March 2006 with a greater shortage of precipitation. Ukraine only harvested 34.4 MMT of grain in 2006 and the reasons for the small crop included the May 06 drought.

This year the snow cover disappeared unusually rapidly, too. As the soil was partially frozen and frosts alternated with thaws, almost 100% of the moisture went into the soil. This replenished soil moisture reserves to near record and optimum levels and this is especially important following the drought in the autumn 2009. 


Conditions for planting early cereals

In the current weather conditions the upper soil layer is drying very fast. In the South (for example, in Kherson region), farmers of some districts are refusing to sow barley because of the rapidly drying soil.

No significant precipitation is forecast in the near future. Rain will fall like “splashes of champagne.” This will significantly worsen growing conditions for early cereals.

Winter crops

The market is increasingly inclined to estimate the winter crop loss at 12-15%. Estimates of a 30% crop are not justified. Abundant precipitation and the long spring led to the accumulation of optimal soil moisture for normal vegetative growth of winter crops even if no rain falls until May. 



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