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03 September 2024

Agrarian news


Ukraine. Agrarian policy ministry forecasts producing 16-17mln tons of sugar beet

Agrarian Policy Ministry forecasts production of 16-17 million tons of sugar beet in 2010/2011 marketing year, Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Ivan Demchak told a conference.



Ukraine: grain stocks in Crimea lowered by 50%

In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine), as of March 1, 2010, agricultural enterprises (except of small ones) and also enterprises, dealing with storage and processing of grains, kept 264.5 thsd tonnes of grains, down 49.6% compared to the same date of the previous year, informed the Main department of statistics in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



Ukraine: Crimea decreased grain sales by 53%

As of March 1, 2010, agricultural enterprises (except of small ones) of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine) sold 30.8 thsd tonnes of grains, a decrease of 53% compared to the same period of the previous year, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



Ukraine: Crimea increased prices for agricultural products by 17%

In January-February period of 2010, in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine), prices for agricultural products increased by 16.7% compared to the level of January-February 2009, declared the Main department of statistics of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.



Ukraine lowered sunflower seed exports

Exporters of Ukraine essentially reduced sunflower seed export volumes due to the problems with repayment of the value added tax, declared Stepan Kapshuk, the General Director of the association Ukrolyaprom.



Mar 1 millet stocks were 5,692 MT

As to State Statistics Committee, experts estimate this year Mar 1 grains processing/storage companies millet stocks as much as 5,692 MT. As to experts, this year Mar 1 millet stocks are down 2,444 MT (- 30%) against last year Mar 1 and down 1,210 MT (- 17.5%) as of this year Feb 1.



EU countries' direct investments for Ukraine more than 20% reduced last year

According to the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the volume of European Union direct investments into Ukraine's economy as of January 1 2010 amounted to USD 31.4 billion, representing 78.3% of total investments to Ukraine as of January 1, 2009.



EU Food Facility and FAO

In 2009, the European Union joined FAO in its efforts to turn the tide of growing hunger in the world by boosting agricultural production with massive support for global food security through its ‘Food Facility’. The global food crisis, spurred on by soaring food prices in 2007 and 2008, was a wake-up call to the international community to get agriculture back on track in the fight against poverty and hunger.



Ukraine. Sunflower seeds export cut

Exporters have essentially reduced the export of sunflower seeds because of problems involved in VAT refunds, says Stepan Kapshuk, director general of the UkrOilProm association.

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