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04 September 2024

Agrarian news


Ukraine. Cattle breeding profitability 5.4%

Profitability of Ukrainian agriculture in 2009 made 12.9%, which is equal to the 2008 level, the press service of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation reported referring to the State Statistics Committee. The profitability of crop production dropped from 19.6% to 16.4% because of the lower effectiveness of the production of grain crops and rape.



Ukraine. Estimate of lost winter rapeseed keeps growing

The share of lost winter rapeseed increased by 5% last week up to 295.1 th ha or 20.8% of total planted area (15.4% as of April 01).



As of 2009, grains profitability sagged to 6.7%

Within 2009 grains production profitability has dipped to 6.7%, down against 16.4% in 2008, reported State Statistics Committee. As to report, in 2009 agrarians sold grains for total UAH23.582 milliard. Within 2009, 1 MT grains production cost price was UAH688,8 per MT



Ukraine: average weighted purchasing price for 3-grade wheat grew by 3%

As of April 2, 2010, the average weighted purchasing price for 3-grade wheat in Ukraine totaled 1220 UAH/t, an increase of 3% compared to the same date of the previous year, and up 2% compared to March prices, declared the official web-site of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.



Ukraine: 85% of winter grain sowings show good and satisfactory condition

According to preliminary data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, 85% of winter grains sowings in Ukraine show good and satisfactory condition from the general winter sowing areas of 8.6 mln ha, remaining 15% of the sowing areas are estimated as week and thinned, included nearly 3% of perished winter grain sowing areas, informed Nikolay Prysyashnuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on April 9.



Ukraine: agrarians purchased 88% of required mineral fertilizers

As of April 7, 2010, agricultural commodity producers purchased 696.1 thsd tonnes of mineral fertilizers, or 88% of the required volumes, and used 296 thsd tonnes of the purchased volumes. The current level of provision with mineral fertilizers exceeded the same period of the previous year by 5%, or 54 thsd tonnes, declared Nikolay Prysyashnuk, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on April 9.



Ukraine to double grain production volumes

Ukraine has possibilities to increase grain harvest by two times, and also increase qualitative parameters of grains, declared Sergey Melnik, the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on April 9.



Ukraine. Extra UAH 100 million provided for support to agro-industrial complexnsation of interest rates on the credits drawn by agro-indus

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine extended from the stabilization fund UAH 100 million (1 USD - 7.92 UAH) for the competrial companies, which was not provided in 2009.



Ukraine. Summer crops sown on 1.047,8 million hectares

By the beginning of April, Ukraine's agricultural enterprises of all categories sowed summer crops on 1.047,8 million hectares, including reseeding over perished winter crops and permanent grasses, which is 97.3% of the like 2009 period, the State Statistics Committee reported.



Ukraine to resow 240-250 thsd ha of winter rapeseed

Scientists forecast resowing of nearly 240-250 thsd ha of winter rapeseed sowings with other agricultural crops, declared Viktor Sytnik, the deputy president of the National academy of agrarian sciences, on March 26.

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