“Stronger together” event was held in Myrgorod

The Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) in cooperation with city authorities has organized a seminar on the subject of agro export options to the EU; along with the team has organized training for local authorities and NGOs with topic about fund rising from the EU institutions.
Speakers have presented to the audience information on new EU market opportunities for export of agricultural and food products, trade requirements, law and financial commitments, efficient logistics chains from producers to consumers.
Thus, the EU is one of the major and perspective directions for national agro business of all types of entities. As for example, last year Ukraine’s export to the EU accounted at 28% of all and foreign revenue has grown in 4 times.
“Ukrainian agro business community has to work properly on certain exporting commitments to achieve better results. As for example national entities commonly have a some issues with fulfillment of goods requirements, low competitiveness within European markets which is caused by poor market knowledge”, - said Igor Ostapchuk, Head of expert group in the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”.
“Logistics factor is one of the major instruments of cost optimization in business when logistics takes in average 30% of exporting price. Thus, logistic chains optimization become one of the leading production efficiency factor for Ukrainian business, allowing business to act on the market in more stable framework”, - expert said.
Along with the training on fund raising for local authorities and NGOs has been held during the event. Speakers have presented information on the procedures of application for the EU’s financing, successful roadmaps for grant rising. Audience has got opportunity to fortify knowledge on the EU’s projects and project approach, got practical knowledge on the EU’s financing of project, participants were informed about info resources on EU’s and other countries projects and competitions.
“Diversified state budgets are characterized with one common issue – a lack of money for projected expenditures. That is why we have to underline existence and performance of many donor entities in Ukraine, and the biggest one is the EU – granting non-payback finance. International donors’ activity is highly diversified due to issues requiring reforms. But it has to be marked that organizations which plan to get funding have to poses not only professional knowledge and practice in certain field, but also must demonstrate knowledge and skills in project management with combination of business planning.
Project management trainings have clear added value as for authorities’ representatives and for NGOs which are potential applicants and recipients of grants, considering the fact that these two mentioned segments play the major part in implementation of reforms”, - said Tetiana Lebuhorska, Trainer on fund raising.
The event has gathered representatives of Info Company “Stronger together”, Independent info consulting center “Center of transport strategies”, and experts of the Association of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, exporting entities and the Mayor of Myrgorod, Mr. Serhiy Solomaha.
Продукція рослинництва: можливості експорту в ЄС - Дворнік Євгеній, експерт аграрних ринків УКАБ
Валютний супровід експортно-імпортних операцій - Наталія Шульга, керуюча Дирекцією АТ "МетаБанк"