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18 July 2024



Europe is the main consumer of Ukrainian pasta

Europe is the main consumer of Ukrainian pasta

69% of the Ukrainian pasta is exported to the European countries. In January-November 2016, this product was supplied to the EU to the amount of USD 17.6 million that is 4.2 times more than the same period of 2010 (USD 4.2 million).

The greatest volume of pasta was exported to Europe in 2015 amounting to USD 18.4 million.

In 2016 the main importing countries from the EU were the following countries: Germany, with a share of 13.6% of the total sold abroad pasta products, Great Britain - 12.6% and Spain - 12.3%.

Primarily, Ukraine exports quick-cooking noodles to the EU. Share of this product in total export of pasta products to Europe is 88.4%. Volumes of export of the specified products over the last 6 years increased by 4 times (in 2016 compared to 2010) amounting to USD 15.5 million.

Ukraine exports more products made of pasta dough than imports. In 2016 every dollar of imported pasta accounted for 1.8 dollar of exported Ukrainian products.

Generally, in 2015 export of all pasta products supplied from Ukraine amounted to USD 32.6 million that is 2.2 times more than export in 2010 (USD 15 million). However, in January-November 2016 compared to the same period of 2015 export of product reduced by 12.7% and amounted to USD 25.5 million.

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