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16 July 2024

Press releases


Wooden biomass usage for production of power

Ucab Wooden biomass usage for production of power

Practice seminar on import energy commodities replacement within regions and local communities in Horizon 2020 framework of uP-running project was held in Vinnitsa on May 31, 2016.



Agro entities pay enough fuel excises to have high quality roads in rural area

Ucab Agro entities pay enough fuel excises to have high quality roads in rural area

The Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” experts’ team has found that agro entities contribute to the state budget more than 1/3 of all excises on fuel. Along with, rural roads’ net condition is not criticizable in the line with inefficient maintenance. This is a result of long term incompetent financial management in the government.



Which reforms needed for agro education?

Ucab Which reforms needed for agro education?

Round table “Agro education – business expectations” organized by the Association “Ukrain-ian Agribusiness Club”, agency AgriEvent, Federation of agro industry employers and “Agroosvita” held on May 19, 2016. Business, government, NGOs and related entities’ repre-sentatives have discussed current issues and perspectives of agro education, its compliance with most recent practical urgencies and business willingness to participate in education de-velopment.



Agro business – who pays taxes

Ucab Agro business – who pays taxes

“Ukrainian Club of Agricultural Business” Association experts have estimated 6.1 B UAH of taxes paid by agricultural entities to local budgets. Along with, nearly 7 M ha managed in “black” market framework and thus, Ukrainian budgets have lost around 2 B UAH (1/3 of paid taxes in 2015) on different administrative levels. Experts estimate potential tax cash inflow from agricultural business activities in 3.6 B UAH after legalization steps adoption in 2016.



44% – 1Q16 “Extra Class” milk output growth

Ucab 44% – 1Q16 “Extra Class” milk output growth

Production volumes of “Extra Class” milk increased 1.44x in 1Q16 (+25.4k tons) comparing to 1Q15. “Extra Class” milk share has surged in total output volumes from 10% in 1Q15 to 14% in 1Q16 (82.8k tons).



During May holidays Ukrainian customers will spend around UAH 1.6B ($ 63.5M) on meat

Ucab During May holidays Ukrainian customers will spend around UAH 1.6B ($ 63.5M) on meat

20% decrease of demand on meat for Easter and May holiday’s consumption compering to 2015.



Agrarians are reporting about high levels of corruption in the profile state agencies

Ucab Agrarians are reporting about high levels of corruption in the profile state agencies

According to survey conducted by the experts of Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” in March 2016 – the level of corruption in government regulatory services is still remaining at high level. Agrarians named the most corrupt authorities: The State Service of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster in Ukraine, State Automobile Inspection of Ukraine and State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The newly created State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection showed the most significant reductions of corruption.



Сosts for sowing have increased by one third - UCAB

Ucab Сosts for sowing have increased by one third - UCAB

On March 22, in press-center of informagency UNIAN, Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" hold a press-conference on the topic “Spring sowing: what is the price ". It was focused on questions of the costs for the sowing campaign-2016, farmers access to the resources, balance sheets of major crops, impact of the tax and legislative changes on the sowing progress.



Soybean: how to get profit under conditions of crisis

Ucab Soybean: how to get profit under conditions of crisis

On February 25, 2016, Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) and Agency AgriEvent with the support of Danube soya Association held "Ukrainian Soybean Congress” in Kiev.



Business climate in the agricultural sector has worsened significantly

Ucab Business climate in the agricultural sector has worsened significantly

In February 2016 agriculture business climate in Ukraine, evaluated by agriculture producers, was again poor; even worse than during recent survey, implemented in November 2015. Major hampering factors for business development are seen again in the lack of state support for agriculture as well as in the economic framework and the general policy situation. In light of this agriculture business index deteriorated significantly. - These are the results of the third survey on Agriculture Business Index (ABI) implemented jointly by German-Ukrainian Agriculture Policy Dialogue (APD) and business association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB).

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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