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14 March 2025



Unique speakers' geography is the key characteristic of GRAIN UKRAINE

The “stars” of agribusiness will gather on the 23rd and 24th of June as part of GRAIN UKRAINE conference. The program of the conference will raise a number of important and topical questions, by virtue of reports of the best international speakers, who are leading specialists in their sectors of agrimarket.

The key feature of the event will be its unique speakers' geography. Representatives of such number of leading international trade and consulting companies, financial institutes and international associations will take a stage in front of representatives of Ukrainian agribusiness for the first time.

 During two session days all the participants of the conference will be able to know:

  • about global trends in the agrisphere

 It is obvious that the success of Ukraine at the international grain market is demanding the players of national agribusiness to be informed about the situation at the world agrimarket, about the fundamental tendencies, about the influence of financial, macroeconomic and political factors. Roger Janson, Vice-President of Cargill Inc., will talk about the forecasts of the world agrimarket's development in the nearest 7-10 years. In his speech he will also give advice regarding what needs to be done in Ukraine for our country to remain a successful player of the agriexport in the nearest years.

Also, the participants of the conference will be able to know about all the factors of influence on the world agriproduction market in the 2016 from the CEO of the Hightower Report (USA) David Hightower.

  • about the situations at the markets of the main competitor countries

 In spite of the widening of the geography of Ukrainian agriproduction’s export and the size of export deliveries’ growth, the competition at the world’s market stays intense – Ukraine has to stand for its positions at the key sale markets. Awareness about the situation at the markets of competitor countries – EU, USA, Argentina, Brazil is extremely important for Ukrainian exporters, that’s why the organizers of GRAIN UKRAINE gave their due attention to this matter.

As it is Diego Lerini (Molinos Rio de la Plata, Argentina) will make a speech about the changes of Argentinian export policies and if they will bring the expected improvement by way of export of main types of raw materials and processed products.

Besides, analogous reports about the markets of USA and Brazil and their positions at the export markets in the new grain season will be presented.

  • about the perspectives of the development of the main countries who are buying Ukrainian agriproduction

This part of program will present reports about the traditional sales markets (North Africa and Middle East), as well as about dynamically growing directions. Adel Yusupov (International Feed, USA) will talk about the factors of successful development at the market of grains and oilseeds of USA, and the famous Egyptian trader Hesham Soliman will share his assessment of grain import’s perspectives in 2016-17 by the countries of North Africa and Middle East.

The report of Kaveh Zargaran, Secretary General of Iranian Federation of Food Associations, being dedicated to the market of Iran, deserves special attention – taking into consideration current geopolitical changes, the interest to this country from the side of Ukrainian companies is rising.

  • about regulation and deregulation

Olivier Bouillet from Agritel International, besides his speech about the balance of global agrimarket, will hold a session-seminar on the marketing of agroproduction, explaining how to build strategies of sales of the main grain and oilseeds in the new season. Guillermo Rossi, Chief Grains Analyst at Bolca de Comercio de Rosario (Argentina), will share his country's experience in agrimarketing. 

Ivanna Dorichenko (Clyde&Co LLP, UK) will talk about the latest tendencies and events in clinching of international arguments.

  • about logistics and the quality of grains and oilseeds

Also the participants of the conference will be awaited by a qualitative unit about investments and financing in agribusiness, in which, besides of other speakers, John Shmorgun – the President of Agro Generation (USA) – will take part.

GRAIN UKRAINE – is not only new knowledge, but also a fresh look on the agribusiness. "The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food is welcoming the idea of conducting a grain conference in Ukraine, especially in Odessa, that is an important interchange with a great potential for investing. It is a great opportunity to draw attention of investors to the South of Ukraine and to stimulate development of irrigative systems, that is a part of the strategy of reforms in agroproduction "3+5", which has been created by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food" - Taras Kutovyi, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has noted.

The first international GRAIN UKRAINE conference will take place with the support of the ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the Governor of Odessa Region Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili. The organizer of the conference is «TIS Group of Terminals», the Head of the organizational committee is Mr. Andrey Stavnitser.


Odessa, concert-hall "Sady Pobedy"
+38 067 975 94 33 
[email protected]

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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