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17 September 2024

Agrarian news


Ucab How to Turn Wood Waste into Effective Biofuel

Vinnytsia hosted a workshop dedicated to replacing imported energy carriers with local fuel under the EU uP_running program ‘HORIZON 2020’. The event organized by the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ and Scientific En-gineering Centre ‘Biomass’ promoted discussion of processing wood biomass into thermal energy. The talks concerned profitability, barriers to development, and possibilities to fund such kind of alternative energy projects.



Ucab Production of rapeseed oil declined by 45%

In 2016 Ukraine produced 81.6 thous. tons of rapeseed oil that is 45% less than similar indices of 2015. The main reason for this reduction is a lack of raw materials due to lower production of rapeseed as well as high competition for it with exporters. Thus, in 2016 1,152 thous. tons of rapeseed were gathered that is 33.7% less than the previous year, and 994 thous. tons of rapeseed were exported amounting to 86% of the production output.



Invest & Trade in Ukraine

Investment and trade potential of Ukraine to be presented on March 2-14, 2017 in North America

During March 2-14, 2017 the VI series of “Invest & Trade in Ukraine” conferences will take place in four North American economic centers – Toronto (Canada), New York, Houston and San Francisco (USA). Organizers – A7 CONFERENCES and Law Firm Dentons under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.



Prices for all groups of products increased

At the beginning of 2017 the upward price trend for food stuff is observed. Prices for all groups of products increased. Seasonal factor promoted the growth of prices for fruits and vegetables. Although, significantly lower level of prices for this group of products comparing with January 2016 should be noted.



Prices for live cattle increased

During the second half of January purchase prices for live cattle increased. The cost of bulls increased by 8% amounting to 36.7 UAH/kg, the highly nourished cows – by 4% to amounting 32.7 UAH/kg, bacon breed pig - by 5% amounting to 32.30 UAH/kg.



Ucab Price of shares of the Ukrainian public agrarian companies increased at record

Total capitalization of the Ukrainian public agrarian companies the shares of which are listed on international financial exchanges, as of January 30, 2017 was USD 3.2 billion, that is by 16.5% more than at the beginning of January this year (+ USD 458.4 million). Since 2015, it is the highest index of market capitalization.



 harvest of winter crops

Ucab In 2017 harvest of winter crops can reach 29 million tons

Favorable weather conditions during the autumn sowing campaign as well as ordinary course of seeds wintering create positive conditions for development of winter crops.



UCAB and Ukrsadprom are boosting their cooperation

On 31 January in Vinnitsa city the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Association ‘Ukrsadprom’. The relevant agreement was entered into between Dmytro Kroshka, Head of Ukrsadprom, and Taras Vysotskyi, General Director of UCAB.



Ucab Conflict between NBU and Ukrlandfarming may adversely affect the entire agriculture sector

A number of agricultural associations applied to Volodymyr Hroisman, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, with a request to hold the meeting with representatives of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Committees of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and Valeriia Hontarieva, Head of the National Bank, in order to resolve the conflict between NBU and management of Ukrlandfarming, the largest agricultural holding in Ukraine.



Agricultural higher education institutions should become a center for promotion of information on the latest achievements

Ucab Agricultural higher education institutions should become a center for promotion of information on the latest achievements

At the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine on 24 January a meeting-seminar for the Directors of Educational and Scientific Complex Institute, Deans of Faculties and leading scientists of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was held, in which Taras Vysotskyi, General Director of the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’, took part.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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