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11 September 2024


The 2009/10 barley exports is very similar to that seen in the bumper season of 2008/09

The 2009/10 barley exports is very similar to that seen in the bumper season of 2008/09: high export in the beginning of the season and its sharp drop in December / January. As usual, Ukraine is the leader among barley exporters: as of January 25, 2010, 4.1 ММТ of barley was exported from there against 4.8 MMT in 2009.



Sugar industry takes investment of USD 100-150 million

Investment of USD 100-150 million is required for the creation of a competitive sugar industry in Ukraine in the long-term perspective, the press service of the Agrarian Chamber of Ukraine reported.



Ukraine Railways raises transit tariffs for several ports-bound cargoes

Ukrzaliznytsya, the State Railway Transport Authority of Ukraine announces it has revised the tariff terms for transit of commodities of the agreed discount rates with commercial seaports. The changes were made as well in the list of ports, as the railway tariffs rates, RZD-Partner.Ru IA reports. The changes are introduced until Q2 2010.



21 regions Jan vegetable oil prices up 0.6-10.5%, to UAH8,29-10,99 per liter

Jan 2010 vegetable oil prices have mounted to UAH8,29–10,99 per liter, up 0.6–10.5% against Dec 2009 on 21 regions markets, reported Ministry of Economics representative.



Russia. Grain terminal at Tuapse port to be launched today, Russian top official attends the ceremon

A grain terminal of annual capacity of 2.4 million tons at the Tuapse Commercial Sea Port is to be launched today, February 8, 2010. The first vice-premier Viktor Zubkov is said to attend the ceremony, Novosti RIA reports.



Corn Price Forecasts Cut by Morgan Stanley on Harvest

Corn may average $3.90 a bushel in the 2009-10 marketing year, 13 percent less than an earlier forecast, after good weather in the United States boosted output, Morgan Stanley said.



Soybeans, Corn Rise Ahead of U.S. Forecasts for Crop Reserves

Soybeans rose the most in almost a week on speculation that U.S. crop reserves may be lower than earlier estimates. Corn and wheat also advanced.



Russia expanding export of nitrate fertilizers to Ukraine

The Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation has said that growth in the import of Russian nitrate fertilizers to Ukraine has recently been observed. The import of Russian nitrate fertilizers grew by 38 times in September-November 2009 compared to the same period of 2008.



Fitch predicts inflation at 13% in 2010

Fitch Ratings demonstrate that Ukraine will have inflation of 13% in 2010, the agency's press service has reported.



In 2010 Belarus, Ukraine set to reach pre-crisis level of trade

In 2010 Belarus and Ukraine are set to reach the pre-crisis level of trade turnover, which stood at $5 billion, BelTA learnt form Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Ukraine Valentin Velichko.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
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  • Amazone
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  • horsch
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  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
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  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
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