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08 September 2024


John Deere Power Systems Exhibits at 2010 Bauma Show in Munich, Germany

John Deere Power Systems (JDPS) displayed their entire Interim Tier 4/Stage III B diesel engine lineup and announced engine models and power ratings at the Bauma 2010 show, April 19 — 25 in Munich, Germany.



Ukraine's GDP grows 6.8 per cent year-on-year

Ukraine's GDP in the first quarter of 2010 increased by 6.8% year-on-year, said Vitaliy Lukyanenko, the spokesman for the Ukrainian prime minister.



AO steps up aid to Sahel pastoralists

FAO is stepping up aid to herders and pastoralists in Niger and Chad amid a growing food crisis caused by last year’s poor rains that have resulted in a steep decline in agricultural production and dried out livestock pastures.



Ukraine. Russian poultry import ban lifted

Thanks to stabilization of the epizootic situation with bird flu in the Russian Federation, the decision by Ukraine's chief veterinary inspector to forbid import of poultry products from some administrative territories of Russia lost its effect on April 21, the press service of the State Veterinary Medicine Committee of Ukraine reported.



Russia to continue, decrease limits of U.S. poultry imports

Russian media outlets are reporting that the country failed to come to agreements with the United States on sanitary requirements of poultry, making it likely the country will further reduce imports of U.S. chicken.



FAS: Canada's oilseed crop areas on the rise

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported on April 19 that Canadas oilseed crop area is being pushed upward by the relatively higher returns to oilseeds compared to wheat.



Ukraine. In March flour production reached the long term average level for this month.

Ukraine. In March flour production reached the long term average level for this month. In comparison with February flour production increased by 11%.



Ukraine to seek new loan from IMF - Tigipko

Ukraine will seek a new loan of $12 billion from the International Monetary Fund for overcoming consequences of the world economic crisis, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Tigipko said on Tuesday.



Ukraine. Poultry imports from Spain resume

Ukraine has resumed the import of poultry products from Spain, the press service of the State Veterinary Medicine Committee reported.

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