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05 September 2024


Kazakhstan: in April, the seaport Aktau increased grain shipment by 3 times

In April 2011, the Republican State Enterprise "Aktau international sea trading port" in Kazakhstan shipped 4.483 thsd tonnes of barley. According to Raphael Galyamova, Chairman of Ak Bidai Terminal, Iran was the only one consignee.



Belarus started sowing cereal crops

Belarusian agricultural enterprises began sowing cereal crops, reported the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.



Ukraine: agricultural crops sowing areas to total 26.7 mln ha - N.Prysiazhnyuk

The general crops sowing area under the harvest-2011 in Ukraine will total 26.7 mln ha (the same as last year), informed Nikolay Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food.



Ukraine: agrarians sowed spring grains and leguminous plants throughout 80% of the areas — Azarov

Ukrainian agrarians provide the spring field works on schedule, and to date everything possible for receiving of the good harvest is done, informed Nikolay Azarov, Prime Minister of Ukraine, on May 11.



Russia: United Grain Company sells intervention feed grains to almost 50 regions

JSC United Grain Company continues executing the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation #188 dd. March 24, 2011, "On providing of feed grains realization in 2011 from the stocks of the Federal Intervention Fund of agricultural commodities, raw-materials and food without carrying of the exchange sales”.



Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine increased limit prices for rye

On May 10, 2011, the decree of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine came into force, which increased the minimum and maximum intervention prices for rye as the object of state price regulation in 2011/12 marketing period.



Ukraine: as of May 10 agrarians sowed spring grains throughout 86% of the areas

As of May 10, Ukrainian agrarians sowed spring grains and leguminous plants throughput the areas of 6.5 mln ha, or 86% of the forecast, and it is completely corresponds to the indices of the same date last year, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.



Belarus almost completed the spring sowing campaign

Agricultural enterprises of Belarus almost completed the sowing works of spring crops. As of May 10, 2011, sowed spring crops throughout the areas of 2.502 mln ha (96.7% of the forecast).



Ukraine and Russia to increase in grain production volumes in 2011? - Expert opinion

According to Abdolreza Abbassian, Senior economist and grain market analyst of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in 2011 Russia and Ukraine will dramatically increase grain production volumes after the severe droughts last summer. Especially in Ukraine.



Russia sowed spring grains throughout 4.7 mln ha

As of May 4, 2011, agrarians of the Russian Federation sowed spring agricultural crops throughout the areas of 7.9 mln ha (16% of the planned areas), declared the press-cutting service of the Ministry of Agriculture. Spring grains sowings occupied the areas of 4.7 mln ha (15.5% of the plan).

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