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17 July 2024

Press releases


Purchasing prices grain have beaten historical record

Purchasing prices for grain have beaten historical record

Purchasing prices for some crops of grain group have reached its maximum. According to the price monitoring done by Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB), average purchasing prices for 3rd class wheat at the end of last week reached marks 2570 UAH/t (by 475 UAH/t or 22.7% higher than the same date of last year), feed wheat – 2250 UAH/t (higher by 280 UAH/t or 14.2%), corn – 2200 UAH/t (higher by 386,7 UAH/t or 21.3%). Soybean has also demonstrated a record price of 5950 UAH/t (higher by 1500 UAH/t or 33.7%), and soybean meal – 7250 UAH/t (higher by 1350 UAH/t or 22.9%).



UCAB is looking for new ideas for agribusiness from students

UCAB is looking for new ideas for agribusiness from students

In April 2014, Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" and agency "AgriJob» initiated nationwide project "AgriBusiness Ideas of Advanced Students (AgriBIAS)” which is aimed on searching talented students and graduates, establishing communication between employers and young professionals, promoting innovation development of agribusiness, as well as strengthening the role of corporate social responsibility among agricultural companies.



Aspects of agricultural industry development can and should be solved fast – specialized association

Aspects of agricultural industry development can and should be solved fast – specialized association

The largest professional association of agrarian sector urge the state authorities to promptly solve problematic issues related to functioning of the agro-industrial complex. In particular, we are talking about the necessity of signing adopted by the Verkhovna Rada Bill No.2436a that cancels the corruption levies from agricultural producers, adoption of Bill No.2049a that simplifies the procedure of registration of agricultural land leasing, abolition of the mandatory technical control of agricultural machinery and the development of land management projects.



In the new State budget of Ukraine the expenditures for agricultural industry have been reduced by 20%

In the new State budget of Ukraine the expenditures for agricultural industry have been reduced by 20%

On March 27, the changes to the State budget of Ukraine 2014 have been made: the profitable part is determined in the amount of 372.9 bln UAH, the expenditure part is 436.8 bln UAH, and the limited amount of deficit is 68.6 bln UAH. The budget allocates for agriculture 1.6% (6.8 bln UAH) from the planned expenditure part, which means reducing of funds up to 1.7 bln UAH or 19.9% compared with the previously approved budget.



Increasing of profitability in agricultural industry in 2014 is not expected - UCAB

Increasing of profitability in agricultural industry in 2014 is not expected - UCAB

According to the State statistics service of Ukraine, the level of profitability of agriculture in 2013 was 11.3%, that is by 8.7 points less than in 2012. In particular, profitability of crop production dropped by 11 points and also amounted to 11.3%. According to forecasts of Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB), in 2014, rising in profitability of growing the major agricultural crops in not expected because of the difficult economic situation in the country, rising prices for material and technical resources, regulatory barriers and the lack of funding and Governmental support.



Imports of pig fat (lard) for the last five years has increased by 30%

Imports of pig fat (lard) for the last five years has increased by 30%

In 2013 Ukraine has imported 44.4 ths t of pig fat (lard) that is 30% more than five years ago. It was informed by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB).



20% of agricultural lands in Ukraine can stay not sown

20% of agricultural lands in Ukraine can stay not sown

As of March 13, 306 thousand hectares of land are sown by grains and legumes, mainly in Southern and Eastern Ukraine, which is 11% of the anticipated cultivated areas. Losses of most agricultural crops last year, and the lack of any funding caused by the difficult economic and political situation in Ukraine may lead to significant losses of grains and oilseeds harvest in 2014. Thus, by estimation of the President of Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) Alex Lissitsa, farmers will not be able to sow 20% of agricultural lands, that will lead to a loss of 11.1 million tons of the harvest or 25.1 billion revenue at current prices.



Capitalization of Ukrainian agricultural companies decreased by 30%

Capitalization of Ukrainian agricultural companies decreased by 30%

Ukrainian agricultural companies represented on the international stock exchanges as of March 11, 2014 lost 29.8 % of market capitalization compared to the similar date of 2013. A year ago 14 main representatives of Ukrainian agricultural industry have been evaluated in 6968,9 mln USD, but today their market capitalization is estimated at 4893 mln USD. It was informed by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club".



In 2014 areas under corn won't change

In 2014 areas under corn won't change

About 80% of agricultural producers do not plan to change the sowing area under corn in 2014. This is evidenced by the results of survey conducted by the agency AgriSurvey.



Farmers are asking to cancel major corruption schemes in agriculture on legislative level and do not continue the scandalous initiatives of the previous Government

Farmers are asking to cancel major corruption schemes in agriculture on legislative level and do not continue the scandalous initiatives of the previous Government

Co-chairs of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Forum and representatives of professional associations in the field of agriculture sent letters to the Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov, the heads of parliamentary fractions and groups ("Batkivshchyna", "UDAR", "Svoboda", "Party of Regions”, Communist Party, the Group "Economic Development", the Group “Sovereign European Ukraine”), Deputy Chairman of Fraction of Party of Regions in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Serhiy Tigipko, Chairman of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada on National Security and Defense Volodymyr Lytvyn with a request for urgent adoption of a package of bills that will help to destroy the source of corruption in agricultural sector, eliminating unnecessary permissions and procedures.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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