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04 September 2024

Agrarian news


Agricultural UAH 12.7 Bl to be built into the State Budget

Today, during his working trip to Chernihiv region, Ukraine’s Vice Premier Viktor Slauta stated the government plans to allocate UAH 12.7 Bl in the 2010 State Budget for agricultural support programs, according to the government’s press service.



Ukraine. Three economy sectors recovered from the crisis without a Budget

Industry, agriculture and transport sector registered economic growth in the first quarter of 2010 and are out of the recession now, reported Valery Lytvytsky, head of the National Bank advisory team.



Ukraine. Yanukovych signed laws on budget

President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych signed Law of Ukraine “On State Budget of Ukraine for 2010” and Law of Ukraine “On Ratification of Agreement between Ukraine and Russian Federation on issues concerning stay of the Black Sea Fleet at the territory of Ukraine”.



Ukrainian Agrarian Farms Ltd. to get loan from EBRD

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is considering a USD 20 million loan to Ukrainian Agrarian Farms Limited to service the seasonal working capital requirements of the approximately 70 Ukrainian farms that this company owns and operates, the EBRD's office in Kyiv has told UKRINFORM.



FAO warns of increased foot-and-mouth threats

FAO today urged heightened international surveillance against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) following three recent incursions in Japan and South Korea.



WTO membership leaves Ukraine no chance to join Customs Union - Yanukovich

Ukraine cannot join the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan because it is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich said on Tuesday addressing the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.



Ukraine plans $1.3 bln Eurobond issue

Ukraine plans to issue a $1.3 billion Eurobond in 2010 -- its first since the global economic crisis -- to plug an anticipated budget deficit and repay accumulated debt, government figures showed on Monday.



Canadian durum plantings down 35%

Canadian farmers in 2010 intend to plant a record large area to canola as well as more acres to spring wheat, oats, corn and soybeans, but fewer acres to durum, barley, flaxseed and dry peas than a year ago, Statistics Canada said on April 26 in its report of major field crop planting intentions.



Ukraine. Verkhovna Rada adopted State Budget 2010

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On State Budget of Ukraine 2010” in the first reading and in a whole.



Ukraine. As of April 23 spring crops were planted on the area of 4 286 th ha

As of April 23 spring crops were planted on the area of 4 286 th ha or 56% of the intended area. Sowing paces are slower than previous three years.

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  • DuPont Pioneer
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