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16 July 2024

UCAB news


Prime Minister supported the UCAB proposal of reviewing the ratio of normative-monetary value of agricultural lands

On the 3-rd of July, in Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was held a meeting, chaired by Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, with the participation of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" and other leading agricultural professional associations of Ukraine. During the meeting, President of UCAB Alex Lissitsa announced for Head of the government the urgent for solving questions of agrarian sector of Ukraine.



EURO 2012 guests spend over 300 UAH per day for food

About 30% of foreign guests who came to Kyiv to visit the matches of the final part of European championship, leave in our capital 300 UAH and more every day just for food. Such a survey conducted by the agency «AgriSurvey» Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club."



Students-agronomists mastered modern technologies and innovations in field of plant protection

On June 20, 2012 the "Bayer CropScience" division of the "Bayer" company in Ukraine, the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) and the agency “AgriEvent” supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine in a framework of Ukrainian Day of young agronomist successfully conducted workshop "Bayer CropScience Technologies" held at the research facility "Bayer Agro Arena "(Poltava region, m.Horol).



Losses of horticultural producers worth about 300 million UAH were caused by bad weather

Heavy rains and storms destroyed more than 15 thousand hectares of vegetables, fruits and berries in the most affected regions of Ukraine - Zakarpatya, Donetsk, Lugansk and Odessa regions, according to expert on horticultural markets of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) Igor Strelyuk.



Farmers will lose 500 million uah annually in state regulation prices of milk

Adoption of the Law "On Amendments to Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine" On State Support of Agriculture of Ukraine " (concerning the regulation of purchasing prices for milk) may result in procurement of milk and lower prices for its producers. This was stated in the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UABC), commenting on the adoption by Parliament in second reading the draft law with registration number 10456.



Limit of the land leasing size will stop development of plant growing

On the 22 of May, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine plans to consider in the first reading a draft law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Land Leasing” (to some restrictions of agricultural land leasing” (reg. #10273 from 27.03.2012). In the Association “Ukrainian agribusiness club” (UCAB) is pointed out, if the draft law is passed in the current edition, Ukraine will stop the development of commodity production of cereals and industrial crops.



The production of all types of meat is decreasing in Ukraine

For the first time during last three years in the domestic meat market it tends to reduce the production of all types of these products. For example, chilled chicken meat production has decreased by 5.6% to 181 thousand tons, and frozen - by 27% to 23 thousand tons while in the structure of the market this type of meat is more than 50%. However, experts of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) states the import growth in this market.



Profitability of growing early strawberries in greenhouses is more than 300%

Ukraine imports about 500 tons of strawberries annually in the period from April to May . At the same time production of domestic products in greenhouses in the last three years has increased about 4 times and now is about 200 tons. Experts Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) predict an increase of production in the future.



Regulatory activity in agriculture inhibits the development of agrarian enterprises

Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) supports the President's initiatives to simplify regulatory activity. But experts of UCAB believe that special attention should be paid to practice administration of public services.



Record soybean harvest is forecasted in Ukraine

Because of significant loss of winter crops this year, Ukrainian farmers have to increase land areas under spring crops. Thus, it’s planned to sow 1.4 million hectares under soy, 23% more than the last year. This may allow to collect a record harvest of this crop - 2.5 million tons.

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  • NCH Advisors
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