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19 July 2024



Yatseniuk: Gov't allocated UAH300 million for small and medium-sized farm economies to compensate loan interest rates

Yatseniuk: Gov't allocated UAH300 million for small and medium-sized farm economies to compensate loan interest rates

The Ukrainian Government has allocated UAH300 million for compensation of the loan interest rates for small and medium-sized farms and, besides, plans to allocate finances within this year second half to compensate the loan interest rates for their purchases of the Ukrainian agricultural machinery, Government Portal says referring to the Ukrainian Prime Minister report made on Fri, Apr 24 within the inspection of the domestic agricultural machinery used for maize and soybeans’ sowing in Kyiv region.

The Prime Minister reminded that the Cabinet had set two priorities in its action program: the energy sector development and the food policy. As to Yatseniuk, within the last year the Ukrainian agricultural sector showed a 16% boost. The Government, Yatseniuk said, expects that agriculture will continue to be one of the main driving forces of the Ukrainian economy. «Ukraine is a key player on the global food market. The control of the food market in the world, supply of cheap and high quality food - these are the possibilities which we must make use of. All that requires investment, cheap loans and loan interest rate compensation that we now provide,» the Prime Minister emphasized.

Agro Perspectiva


  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
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  • john deer
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