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20 July 2024



Yatseniuk: Cabinet introduces institute of Ukrainian Trade Representative

Yatseniuk: Cabinet introduces institute of Ukrainian Trade Representative

The Ukrainian Government is to adopt a decision on the introduction of the institute of the Trade Representative of Ukraine, Government Portal says quoting the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk as reporting at the Gov’t meeting on Wednesday, August 20.

«He is the main lawyer and attorney of the entire Ukrainian business: the lawyer - advocating business and the attorney - protecting against those countries and companies that won’t provide opportunities for Ukrainian businesses to develop and export goods abroad,» the PM stressed.

Besides, Yatseniuk also told that Ukraine has approached yet another stage of a free visa regime with the EU and informed that at its session today the Government is to approve the action plan on the free visa regime. As to the PM, the Government will take a decision on how to ensure issuance of biometric passports for the Ukrainians to travel visa-free to the countries of the European Union. The Head of Government emphasized he wasn’t satisfied with the number of biometric passports offered to be issued at the first stage - 20 thousand per month: «I’m not satisfied, and more than that - it does not satisfy Ukrainian citizens as there will be queues of 200 thousand».

Apart from that, Arseniy Yatseniuk also informed that within the today’s session deputy ministers for European integration will be appointed. Yasteniuk reminded that the Government had already set up the Office for European integration and by the end of the month the ministries should submit the plan of implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.


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