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22 July 2024



Yanukovych signs anticorruption law as part of european integration set

 Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has signed a law on the introduction of amendments to some laws of Ukraine on the implementation of state anticorruption policy, the president reported on his official Web site on Thursday.

The law, which is one of a package of laws on the liberalization of visa regime with the European Union, was approved by parliament on May 14, 2013.The law foresees the introduction of an anticorruption register and the introduction of information into the single state register of people who convicted for corruption.

As the explanatory note to the law reads, the amendments are aimed at improving the statements of the law "on preventing and fighting corruption" on the results of monitoring. The document restricts the joint work of people close to officials. The amendments to the law propose to introduce special inspections regarding people who are candidates for posts connected with the execution of the functions of central or local government.

Moreover, the law envisages protections for people who inform the authorities about cases of corruption, as well as a detailed declaration form for property, income and expenses.

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