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24 July 2024



World prices will offset possible shortfall in grain crop

The dynamics of growth in the world prices for cereals is comforting to Ukraine, Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Prysiazhniuk said during a working visit to Zhytomyr region on Thursday.

«We may lose grain crop to some extent in comparison with the previous year (around seven million tons less), but the pricing policy and the global indicator suggest that the prices will compensate for this shortfall. Barley prices in the world increased by $30 for the last 15 days, and wheat price is also increasing,» Mykola Prysiazhniuk said. According to the minister, USDA’s latest report says that drought in the world, including in America and Europe, gives a signal related to an increase in grain prices. «I am convinced that those who engage in growing grain this year will not lose,» Prysiazhniuk said.

He also said that the first auction in Black Sea grain was held at the Chicago Exchange. «To our farmers this is a free signal of the price indicator. We have become a stable and reliable player in the international markets of grain,» he stated.

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