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21 July 2024



Warm weather in October, November will promote growth of crops, Prysiazhniuk says

 Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry monitors the situation and gives necessary recommendations to agricultural producers on sowing of winter crops, which will be held over the latter accessible periods.

Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said about this, the agencys press service informs.
Sowing of winter crops will be held over later acceptable terms. But provided agricultural producers observe advises of scientists, they will avoid the loss of the future yield. Since the expected warm weather in October and November will ensure sufficient growth of crops, like over the previous years, the Minister noted.
According to Prysiazhniuk, for today, the agricultural workers have already sown 2.4 million ha with winter crops. And agricultural producers are provided with the necessary seeds and mineral fertilizers at more than 100%.

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