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18 July 2024



VR will examine food articles GMO labeling draft Law

Andriy Pavlovskiy, Yuliya Tymoshenko Block faction people deputy, has submitted draft Law ¹ 4437 (from May 05/09) “About Safety and Quality of Food Articles” for Verkhovna Rada examination.

As to report, draft Law is targeted at informing population about food articles GMO presence.

As to draft Law explanatory note, draft Law brings changes into art. 38 of Ukrainian Law “About Safety and Quality of Food Articles.” Draft Law ¹ 4437 is intended mainly to change food articles labels, − that is, to insert clause 10 (informing about food articles GMP presence/absence) into labels.

Draft Law stipulates that food articles sales should be prohibited on Ukrainian territory unless this requirement is fulfilled.

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