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17 July 2024



Production of sunflower oil increased by 42 % during the first four months of 2017

production oil

In January-April of 2017, the production  of unrefined sunflower oil  in Ukraine increased on 42 % by 1.9 mln tons, compared with the same period last year.

During 8 months of 2016/17 MY  (from September 2016 to April 2017), the total amount of sunflower oil production reached 4.4 mlntons, which is in 8% higher compared with the same period last marketing year.

The growing demand for unrefined sunflower oil on the foreign market and the increase in gross yield of sunflower in 2016/17 MY by 22% to 13.6 mln tons became the main prerequisites of this.

According to USDA, world consumption of sunflower oil in 2016/17 MY increased by 1 million tons to 16.1 mln tons. India, China and Turkey are the largest world’s importers of sunflower oil.  At the same time, India and China consume about 43.4% of Ukrainian unrefined oil.

In general, since the beginning of 2016/17 marketing year, the export of unrefined sunflower oil amounted 3.9 mln tons, up 30% compared the same period of the previous MY.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • NCH Advisors
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