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22 July 2024



Vilkul: Regions should speed up submitting projects to the State Program of Economic Revitalization

Regions have to speed up submitting of projects to the State Program of Economic Revitalization. Regional projects should be directed first of all to reduce natural gas consumption and energy saving. Financing directly dependents on the actions of local authorities, vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Olexandr Vilkul said at the All-national conference call, Government Portal reports.

He noted that currently under consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers is a decree On Approval of the Plan of Implementation of the regional and local energy efficiency programs, which provides review and updating of such programs. The President of Ukraine sets task to cut in haft (by 4.2 billion cubic meters) natural gas consumption in three years by saving gas during transportation heat and its replacement by alternative energy sources. Natural gas consumption by enterprises of communal and housing services has been reduced by 10% (from 11.1 billion cubic meters to 10 billion cubic meters) due to taken by the Government measures for three years (2010 to 2013). The task of this heating season is to reduce consumption of natural gas by utilities to 5%. For this purpose boiler repair and reconstruction continues in region, including - replacement of old boilers with modern, which have greater efficiency coefficient and consume less gas, Olexandr Vilkul said. More than half of the planned 663 boilers have reconstructed. 601 new boilers are installed (planned 1 thousand). Another 1000 boilers will be thoroughly renovated. Major repair of boilers 645 (60%) have been completed. To achieve significant savings of gas we have to replaced more than 4 thousand old boilers and renovate more than 6 thousand boilers. We also have to install more than 750 modular boilers and 4000 heat recovery units. All these works should be carried out by the end of 2015, Olexandr Vilkul said. He noted that to reduce transmission losses of heat, which make up 45% and it is planed to modernize 471 km of networks these year. The works are carried out at 250 km (53%). 8000 km of networks are planned to modernize by 2015. Boilers that run on alternative fuel, such as peat and pellets are installed in the regions. Olexandr Vilkul instructed participants of the conference call to organize this work.

The meeting was also attended by the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services Gennadiy Temnyk, First Deputy Chairman of Naftogaz of Ukraine Valentyn Franchuk, Deputy Director General of USEP Ukrposhta Gennadiy Vovk and the heads of the regional authorities.  

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