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17 July 2024



Ukraine has unutilized production capacity of haricot

According to the results of survey ‘Niche agricultural production directions: haricot’ production of leguminous in 2016 amounted to 53.6 thousand tons constituting one of the highest rates since the independence of Ukraine. However, it is worth considering that the potential of this crop is untapped. Ukraine is increasing its production output of haricot and is situated in more convenient geographical location than the main countries exporting to the EU (Canada, China, Argentina, the USA, Ethiopia and others). Taking into account the above-mentioned factors as well as the average value of export from Ukraine in 2016 at the amount of 534 USD/t that is by 300 USD/t lower than in major exporting countries and given the growing demand for haricot in the EU, it is one of the possible prospective niche directions of agricultural production. For example, in order to meet the demand of Italy 127 thousand tones are required that is 2.4 times more than the gross yield of haricot in 2016.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
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