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18 July 2024



USA views Romania's foreign loan decision as wise

Romanian Government's decision to contract a loan with the International Monetary Fund and with the European Commission is a wise one, meant to protect the population of eventual effects of the economic crisis, stated Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy to Bucharest Jeri Guthrie-Corn on the occasion of a meeting with Premier Emil Boc, on Tuesday, at Victoria Palace (Government's headquarters). According to a release issued by the Executive's Press Office, the two officials discussed the measures Romania and the United States of America decided to take to limit the economic crisis effects. In this context, the Prime Minister emphasized that the 6 billion euros from the European Commission will secure the covering of the budget deficit resulted from directing funds towards investments. Emil Boc reminded that 20 percent of the budget receipts will be directed toward investments, this being one of the main measures aimed at job keeping and creation. As well, Premier Boc underlined that the Executive will implement a series of major reforms. First of all, the administrative decentralization will be operated in order to offer the local authorities the needed leverage for the adoption of fast decisions.
At the same time, the Government is targeting the promotion and implementation of fiscal responsibility principles, so that the budget rectifications will not be used to redirect toward consumption the money earmarked for investments. Another objective of the Executive is the promotion of a single pay law for the public employees and, in the Cabinet meeting, on April 22, the fundamental principles for this normative act will be adopted, allowing it to be enforced till this year-end. Another approached subject during the meeting was linked to the construction of Transilvania motorway by American Bechtel company. The PM stressed that this project is very important for Romania and it is essential that the recent pledges assumed by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and Bechtel Co. will be observed, says the release. Last, but not least, the Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy to Bucharest addressed thanks to the Government for Romania's contribution to the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq and conveyed condolences to families of the Romanian military killed in the past month in missions in Afghanistan. The two officials also discussed the joint programmes implemented by Romania and the USA, with the accent on experience exchanges between universities.


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