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22 July 2024



U.S. Monsanto to invest USD 3 million into farm irrigation systems in 3 regions in 2013

In 2013, one of the global largest producers of seeds, the Monsanto company (the United States), intends to invest USD 3 million into the installation of irrigation systems at farms in Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Kyiv regions engaged in growing of seeds for the company, head of the corporate and PR department of the company in Ukraine Vitalii Fedchuk told a press conference in Vinnytsia.

"This year, the company intends to invest USD 3 million into the acquisition of irrigation equipment for the framers engaged in growing of seeds for us," he said.

Fedchuk noted the systems will be mounted at the fields in Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Kyiv regions on the total area of 620 hectares. "Later, it is planned to expand the program for Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskyi and Ternopil regions," he said.

According to Fedchuk, the use of irrigation systems in the frames of the production on the production of maize seeds in Ukraine would allow the company to obtain stable harvests even in critical weather conditions.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Monsanto intends to invest USD 140 million into the construction of a seed plant in Ukraine. The company is one of the worlds largest seed producers headquartered in St. Louis (Missouri, the United States). The company has 404 divisions in 66 countries and owns two seed plants in France and one in each Romania and Hungary.
Monsanto sells corn and canola seeds in Ukraine under the brand name Dekalb, vegetable seeds under the brand name Semenis, and herbicides under the brand names Roundup and Harness.

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