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22 July 2024



US Dairy Industry To Receive Financial Support

Funding to help the struggling dairy industry has been approved in the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations bill.
The House of Representatives have approved the fiscal year (FY) 2010 Agriculture Appropriations bill. Included in the bill is $350 million for struggling dairy producers. The provision, authored by Senator Bernie Sanders, was a top National Farmers Union (NFU) priority.
Under the House-Senate conference agreement, $290 million would be provided in direct support to dairy farmers. Another $60 million would be used to purchase cheese and other dairy products for food banks and nutrition programmes.
“This is a welcome lifeline to our nation’s dairy producers who, regardless of size or location, are facing unprecedented economic challenges. I thank the House for their support and urge the Senate to quickly follow suit. America’s dairymen and women cannot wait for this necessary relief,” NFU President Roger Johnson said.


  • Baker TILLY
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