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01 September 2024



UkrSugar predicts sugar beet sowing on 450,000 hectares in 2010

The UkrSugar national association of Ukrainian sugar makers predicts that sugar beet will be sown on 450,000 hectares in 2010.
The regions posted sowing 380,000 hectares, but "we believe the acreage will increase to 450,000 hectares," the association reported.
In the opinion of experts of the association, the acreage will expand due to the sharp rise in the prices of sugar on Ukraine's home market.
In 2009 sugar beet was sown on 330,000 hectares. The beet harvest was 10 million tons, and the production of sugar made 1.267 million tons. The domestic consumption of sugar in Ukraine is estimated at 2 million tons.

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