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17 July 2024



Ukrainians consume twice as many tomatoes as Germans

 According to the calculations made by the agency «AgriSurvey» based on the data of the State Statistics on the production of tomatoes in Ukraine, as well as export and import tomatoes and tomato products, throughout last three years Ukrainians consume  an average of 45 kg of tomatoes per capita per year. At the same time, according to the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food of Germany, the Germans consumed about 20 kg of tomatoes per capita last year.

’’The majority, namely 76%, of tomatoes consumed by Ukrainians is grown in households. Thus, a large proportion of tomatoes consumed by Ukrainians is grown actually, not bought at the supermarket or market, as it is in Germany. And it is one of the reasons why the consumption of this product in Ukraine is higher than the German rate. It is also worth noting that despite this specificity of Ukrainian tomato market, the export of tomatoes in 2012 was about 90 tons, which is 17% higher than in 2011 and more than twice as high as the volume of imports of tomatoes in 2012’’- the director of the agency «AgriSurvey» Taras Gagalyuk comments.

In 2012 Ukraine harvested 2,247 tons of tomatoes with a total area of ​​85.7 hectares with an average yield of 265.3 kg / ha. The average yield on commercial farms was 605.6 kg / ha, while those in households - 224.6 kg / ha. Production of tomatoes in Ukraine in 2012 has increased compared to 2011 by 8%, compared to 2005 by 54%, and in comparison with 2000 by 100%.

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