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24 July 2024



Ukrainian sea ports to cut tariffs for foreign liners

The Ukrainian sea ports will give discounts for foreign liners. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the decision on harbour dues, the Ukrainian government press-service reports.
The port tariffs cuts have been initiated by the Ministry of transport and communication of Ukrain. These changes are supposed to improve the tariffs and price policy in the port industry, promote development of infrastructure of the international value, passenger liners and, accordingly, realisation of the state policy to maintain the tourism industry of Ukraine.
In the Sea Commercial Port of Odessa, the discount for all kinds of port fees for foreign passenger liners of B group (except passenger-and-cargo liners) are to be cut from 10 % to 20 %. Besides, from November, 15th till March, 15th the fees cuts for foreign passenger liners of B-group at any seaport, will total 50 %.
Such measures will allow, the Ukrainian officials believe, the companies that arrange cruises over Mediterranean sea, to direct liners on beneficial terms to the Ukrainian ports in the Black sea. This, in turn, might help to increase revenue of ports from fees they collect and, accordingly, income for the budget of Ukrain.

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