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21 July 2024



Ukrainian President: Core of state modernization is approximation to European standards

 Modernization of Ukraine provides for the introduction of European standards in all areas, Ukrainian President emphasized in the course of the 10thannual Yalta conference, President Viktor Yanukovych Press Office reports.

Ukraine is going its natural way, the way of development. Society and politicians have been trying to modernize the country for more than 20 years already… Starting from 2010, we have initiated systemic reforms. Today, the national plan is fully implemented. Core of state modernization is approximation to European standards, President stressed.

He reminded that extremely important documents such as the Tax Code, the Budget Code and the CPC had been adopted recently. The laws adopted recently in the parliament by both representatives of the majority and the opposition are bringing Ukraine closer to European standards, Viktor Yanukovych said.

According to the Head of State, Ukraine managed to establish partnership relations with the European Commission that provided an opportunity to jointly elaborate the Plan of Actions which is being successfully implemented. Ukraine demonstrates its potential. We understand that our modernization will not finish in November. It will continue and the major events are still ahead,the Head of State noted.

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