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25 July 2024



Ukrainian Grain Shipments Slow, ProAgro Says, Citing Ports

Ukrainian grain exports slowed in January’s first 20 days from a month earlier, agricultural researcher ProAgro said, citing preliminary port figures.

Corn shipments dropped to 551,300 metric tons from 1 million tons a month ago, Kiev-based ProAgro said today in an e- mailed statement, without giving a reason. Wheat cargoes slid to 90,900 tons from 292,700 tons and barley shipments jumped 18 percent to 45,900 tons, it said.

Another 854,200 tons of grains will be shipped shortly, including 646,000 tons of corn and 208,200 tons of wheat, ProAgro said.

Ukraine is seeking to supply Jordan with 100,000 tons of barley and is competing in a tender against Argentina, Australia, Russia and the European Union, the researcher said. Jordan will import the grain in the February-March period, according to ProAgro.

Sunflower oil shipments declined 2.7 percent in the period to 149,200 tons from a month earlier, ProAgro said. Another 108,900 tons of sunflower oil is to be exported in the near future, according to the statement. Sunflower oil went to India, Algeria, Spain, Turkey and Italy.

Rapeseed shipments rose by 17 percent in the period to 38,500 tons, the researcher said.


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