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24 July 2024



Ukrainian agricultural company IMC plans to raise 200 million from bond issuance

Warsaw. Ukrainian agricultural company “Industrial Milk Company (IMC)” plans to issue two-year bonds denominated in hryvnia (UAH) worth 200 million UAH.

According to IMС, on Warsaw Stock Exchange the company wants to attract funds at 14% per annum and plans to pay a coupon every quarter.

On 13 of June, bond issue was registered in the Ukrainian National Commission on Securities and Stock by Burat-Agro LLC Bond, one of IMC subsidiary companies.

Bonds repayment is scheduled for June 26, 2014.

Received from the sale of securities funds the company intends to use for its further development.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Industrial Milk Company debuted last year on the Warsaw Stock Exchange had decreased its net income in the first quarter, by 9% - 94 thousand USD, after last year increase by 17% - 17.3 million USD.

UNIAN reference. Founded in 2007, at the beginning of this year company leased about 60 thousand ha of land in Poltava, Chernigov and Sumy regions and owned storage facilities with 172 thousand ton capacity.

At beginning of June, 2012 68.2% of IMC shares were owned by Agrovalley Limited, 5,1% belonged to Polish Amplico PTE and the rest - were free float.

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