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22 July 2024



Ukrainian Agribusiness Club: Draft law on land market needs revision

It is impossible to adopt the draft law On the Land Market in 2014 without a legal revision.

Director General of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Volodymyr Lapa told a press conference in Kyiv.
We do not consider it possible to adopt the draft law on introduction of the land market in 2014 in the form, in which it had been developed, since it requires a serious revision, he said.
In his opinion, sooner or later, land turnover will be regulated in Ukraine, therefore taking a decision on this issue should not be delayed.
According to him, it is necessary to approach the issue of land plots reformation only under condition of the public consensus formation as regards perspectives for development of land relations, as well as liquidation of legal illiteracy on this issue among Ukraines population.
Today, a paradox consists in the fact that the prevailing majority of people, who do not support private landownership, possess land plots. People simply do not understand that they are private landowners. This can be explained only by lack of legal knowledge, Lapa stressed.
To remind, draft law On the Land Market was adopted in the first reading on December 9, 2011, however, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine postponed the terms of the second reading until January 1, 2014.

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