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22 July 2024



Ukraines wine-makers against rejection of geographical names of wines within Ukraine-EU association deal

 Ukraines wine-makers do not support a European Union requirement on the rejection of the use of geographical names in wine products - Champagne, Cognac, Portwine, Jerez, Madeira, etc.

This is said in a joint letter of Ukrvinprom Corporation and Grape Growers and Wine-Makers Association to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on European Integration and ministers of economic development and trade, agriculture and food of Ukraine.
The refusal of the use of geographical indications of European countries in the names of domestic wine products can lead to stagnation of the viticulture industry of the country and become a threat to its further existence, the letter reads.
At the same time, the draft agreement does not provide for any compensation or technical assistance to producers of wine products in Ukraine in case of a possible rejection of the use of geographical indications in the names of Ukrainian wines and cognacs.
At the same time, the winemakers remind that in December 2010, a memorandum between the Ministry of Economy and Trade, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and Ukrvinprom Corporation. The document proposed to defend the rights of Ukrainian producers to continue to use the names of Champagne, Cognac, Cahors Wine, Port Wine, Madeira and Jerez. At the same time, the instrument offered a transitional period of 10 years for refusing to use the names of Calvados, Tokaji, Marsala and Malaga.
In addition, on May 19, 2011, a protocol of the meeting of representatives of the wine industry of Ukraine and the EU was signed, in which the EU side recognized the right of Ukraine to use in the domestic market Cyrillic names of shampanske, koniak, kahor, portvein, Madeira and kheres.
Thus, in accordance with international practice and domestic law, Ukraine is obliged to retain the use of names for products sold on the domestic market, the winemakers stress.
According to the authors of the letter, there are already examples of discriminatory treatment to the historic achievement of the industry. In Seoul, at an international exhibition, on the results of the tasting competition, Port Wine Livadia by NPAA Massandra got 1st place, but the Embassy of Portugal protested against it and called into question the right of Ukraine to put up the wine for a competition, which the enterprise started to produce in 1891. And this situation rose before signing the obligations contained in the draft agreement, the letter reads.
At the same time, now the Ukrainian market gets cognac from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova (even from manufacturing companies that are owned by the French), without changing the name. However, Ukrainian producers of these fine drinks in the future will lose the right to use the name cognac in its own territory, the authors of the letter said.

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