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21 July 2024



Ukraines improves EU association chances after Arbuzovs visit, Bundestag member says

 A visit of Ukraines First Deputy Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov to Germany has improved Ukraines chances of signing the Association Agreement with the European Union.

Karl-Georg Wellmann, member of the Bundestag Committee on the Affairs of the European Union, said this after a meeting of the Ukrainian government delegation with representatives of the German business.

I think that Ukraines chances of getting the Association Agreement have improved. This is evidenced, in particular, by the visit of First Deputy Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov, his informative meetings and negotiations, which he held with the German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wellmann noted.

He noted the great interest of the German businesses in cooperating with Ukraine, and stressed that the signing of the Association Agreement opens up huge opportunities for investing in the Ukrainian economy, creating jobs and improving the well-being of its citizens.

Ukraine has enormous industrial potential, natural potential, and has all the prospects and a good chance of becoming a prosperous country, which at first may become an associate and later a full member of the European Union. Ukraine will only benefit from this. We expect a significant increase in foreign investment in your economy. Technological and economic base in Ukraine is so significant that German entrepreneurs very quickly will find reliable partners, especially in the industrial sector. This means improving the welfare of Ukrainians, rising living standards, the Bundestag member noted.

As an example, Wellmann cited Poland, which in the early 1990s, first received an associate and later full membership in the European Union. Though some politicians and businessmen were afraid of European integration, but later all felt immense benefits from such a step.

A reminder that this week First Deputy Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov paid a working visit to Germany. At his meetings with the countrys high-rank officials he was assured that Ukraine can count on the support of Germany on the issue of signing the Association Agreement with the EU, but also noted progress in implementing reforms.


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