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22 July 2024



Ukraines general state debt up 2.7% in April

Ukraines state (direct) and guaranteed debt grew by 2.7% or $1.819 billion in April, to $69.235 billion, the Finance Ministry reported last week. According to the report, the overall state debt in January-April rose by 7.3%, or by $4.739 billion.

Growth in the debt is linked to the placement of 10-year eurobonds worth $1.25 billion and large borrowing on the government domestic loan bond market.
According to the ministry, overall domestic debt in April increased by 1.9% or $560 million, to $30.07 billion, while overall foreign debt grew by 3.3% or $1.26 billion, to $39.16 billion.
Guaranteed debt alone declined in April by $20 million, to $14.04 billion.
As reported, overall state debt in 2012 increased by 8.9%, from $59.216 billion. The Ukrainian authorities will have to repay about $9 billion on foreign debt in 2013.
Ukrainian authorities are to pay around $9 billion this year on foreign debts.


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