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21 July 2024



Ukraines exports grew faster than imports in July

  Growth in exports in July 2013 in Ukraine was ahead of rise in imports, the press office of the Cabinet of Ministers said in a statement Monday.


"Total exports in June amounted to USD 3,549.4 billion, and in July - USD 5,184 billion. Thus, compared with June, exports increased by USD 1,634.6 billion," experts said.

At the same time, in June, Ukraine imported goods worth USD 5,336.9 billion and in July - USD 6.776 billion. That is, imports rose by USD 1,439.1 billion, the report reads.

Assessing the prospects of Ukraines foreign trade before the end of the year, experts point to the fact that imports will grow most in the item of gas imports". At the same time, taking into account the improvement of the external environment, we should expect growth in exports of steel products, and from October-November - grain crops that traders are holding on elevators and ports, waiting for higher prices.

At the same time, experts say, an increase in the negative balance of trade in goods in Ukraine in July was anticipated. "This is largely due to an increase in gas imports, which is purchased in preparation for the winter season 2013-2014," the analysts added.

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