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27 September 2024



Ukraine's economic news Ukraine could introduce protective duties on imports of sugar from Belarus if Russia restricts exports of Ukrainian sugar

Ukraine could introduce protective duties on sugar exported from Belarus if Russia prolongs its duties on exports of Ukrainian-made sugar, Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk told Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv on Wednesday.

"Actions against Russia have been approved, but [as] Belarus is part of the Customs Union, it is likely that we will have to introduce protective duties on Belarusian sugar as well," he said.

The minister also said that if Russia retains its restrictions on imports of Ukrainian sugar, the issue would be raised for discussion at the level of heads of states.

"This is not in line with requirements on free trade, and I don't think that this would give a chance to improve trade with Russia," the minister said.

Prysiazhniuk said that Russia and Belarus are part of the Customs Union, and sugar from Russia could freely be imported through Belarus to Ukraine.


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