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31 July 2024



Ukraine. Yield slightly exceeds previous year rate

For today, the yield of grain crops, barley and wheat, harvesting of which has already started in Ukraine, slightly exceeds the previous year level, Vice Premier on Agrarian Policy Viktor Slauta has said.

"The first 100,000 ha of winter barley and wheat are harvested in southern regions. The yield is at the level of the previous year, even 1.5 centners/ha higher now," Slauta said.

Ukrainian agrarians started harvesting of early grain crops, in particular, barley and wheat.

According to the Agrarian Policy Ministry, as of June 21, agrarians threshed 237,000 tons of grain on the area of 89,000 ha out of the planned 12.045 million ha. The average crop capacity makes up 26.6 centners/ha.



  • Baker TILLY
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