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26 July 2024



Ukraine will not restrict imports from EU

The European Union and other WTO members forced Ukraine to abandon the idea of tightening the requirements for meat imports.
The projected ban on the imports of meat not inspected by the Ukraine and scheduled for implementation from today, has been canceled due to the threat of imposition of similar sanctions on Ukraine by the WTO. However the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy is considering new restrictions aimed at protecting domestic market.
"The introduction of new requirements for European meat processing enterprises by Ukraine would significantly reduce the volume of meat imports to this country," said an official spokesman of the European Commission in Ukraine, David Stulik.
According to Stulik, in return, the WTO could use its own mechanism for solving trade disputes, which can result in applying trade sanctions on Ukraine, in particular through the increase of import duties for some Ukrainian goods in the WTO countries.
Meanwhile, according to local analysts, such decision of the Ukrainian authorities may negatively affected local producers. In recent years they have been able to successfully compete with imported meat due to restrictions.
The European Union holds a 47 percent share in the total volume meat supplies to Ukraine. The total volume of the Ukrainian meat market is estimated at 2-million tonnes worth more than US$4 billion.

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