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22 July 2024



Ukraine will increase agricultural exports to Iraqi market

 Ukraine is planning to boost domestic grain supply to the Iraqi market, as well as sunflower seed oil, meat, eggs, etc. Ukrainian companies will also participate in tenders, held by Iraq for the purchase of agricultural products.

This was discussed at a meeting of Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk with Minister of Trade of the Republic of Iraq Khairallah Hassan Babeker on Thursday, the ministrys press service told Ukrinform.

Relations between Ukraine and Iraq have a good perspective, in particular, in the sphere of trade in agricultural products. And our todays meeting will help strengthening trade and economic partnership. In addition, in the nearest future, we will complete work over preparation of a memorandum of cooperation. This document will also promote the increase of bipartite commodity turnover, Prysiazhniuk has noted.

Khairallah Hassan Babeker, in turn, noted that Iraq imports a considerable volume of necessary foodstuffs. Therefore, the Iraqi side is interested in the increase of imports of not only Ukrainian grain and sunflower seed oil, but also meat, eggs and dairy products.

During the negotiations, the parties discussed participation of Ukrainian companies in tenders, held by Iraq, for the purchase of necessary foodstuffs. Participants in the meeting agreed that this will promote strengthening of mutually beneficial partnership.

To remind, over the previous year, turnover between Ukraine and Iraq made up USD 69.8 million, out of these, export - USD 69.6 million. Over five months of this year, Ukraine exported to Iraq agricultural products totaling about USD 36 million, imported - at USD 228,000.


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