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21 July 2024



Ukraine to reduce grain exports this year

Ukraine exported 3,7 million tons of grain since the beginning of 2009/10 marketing year (July 2009- June 2010), according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the country.
Wheat exports during the first two months of the current marketing year increased by 10,6% compared to same period of 2008/2009 and totaled 1,668 million tons, while barley - decreased by 13,7% to 1.571 million  tons, while corn has remained at last year's level amounted to 0.4 million tons.
According to analysts’ forecasts, the export of grain from Ukraine in the current MG expected to be 17-18 million tons against 24.7 million tons in 2008/2009.
The Ministry of Agriculture predicts that grain harvest in Ukraine this year will not exceed 42-43 million tons, in comparison with last years 53.3 million tons.

  • Baker TILLY
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