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21 July 2024



Ukraine to reduce area planted with winter grain crops by 5.7% in 2009 -ministry

Ukraine will plant winter grain crops on 7.783 million  hectares  in  2009, down 5.7% from 2008, the Agricultural Policy Ministry said.
Winter  wheat crops will be planted on 6.3 million hectares, barley on 1 million hectares and rye on 0.465 million hectares.
Farmers  had  planted  winter  crops  on  105,000  hectares  as  of September 4. Winter grain had been planted on 97,300 hectares, including wheat on  75,300  hectares,  rye  on 20,900 hectares and barley on 1,100
Ukraine  planted winter crops on 9.786 million hectares in 2008, up 1.8% from  the previous year, including grain on 8.254 million hectares, up 3.5%.

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