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28 July 2024



Ukraine to provide sowing works behind time due to weather conditions

In 2010, Ukraine will provide the sowing works behind time compared to the previous year, declared Yuri Melnik, the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, on February 24. According to him, difficult weather conditions caused the situation, and to date, ice cover occupied nearly 7% of sowing areas.

At the same time, the climatic situation still did not make the Ministry of Agrarian Policy to change the forecast of grain production in 2010.

Last year, as of the reporting date, Ukraine sowed grains throughout several hundreds thsd ha, but in the current year, the country started additional feeding in southern regions, explained the Minister.

Also, Y.Melnik confirmed the previously declared forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy concerning grain exports in 2009/10 MY at the level of 20-21 mln tonnes, despite the decrease of export volumes in the winter period.

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